Wakeboard ride with our modern SeaRay and wakeboard tower, with beautiful waves to jump and enjoy.
It is so addictive! As the world’s fastest-growing tow sport, it created its own lifestyle.
But you don’t have to be able to hit a sick scarecrow or throw down a tantrum to enjoy wakeboarding. It’s a sport that provides a sense of achievement and thrills even for complete novices.
Wakeboarding teaches you all the basics so that you can later pull yourself from a boat, jump up, stand upside down, turn and land on the board - with a small smile on your face. It is a balancing and skill act in the cool water and a great thing for action-loving water lovers.
Here are the Top 10 Health Benefits of Wakeboarding:
Improves your swimming skills: Without a doubt, you’ll end up falling into the water more than once, which means you’ll need to be a strong swimmer.
Improves mental concentration and refreshes the mind: The adrenaline alone is enough to distract a wakeboarder from daily stressors. Add the feel-good endorphins from the physical activity while on the water, and it leads to a happy person!
It’s a great outdoor workout on the water: A 2008 Scottish Health Survey and found that outdoor physical activity had a 50 percent greater positive effect on mental health than going to the gym. A 2011 study found that outdoor exercise was associated with greater decreases in tension, confusion, anger, and depression when compared to indoor activity.
Be more social: You can wakeboard together with family and friends and have a good time. Wakeboarding offers a healthy opportunity for a family to strengthen its bond. Moreover, it’s a great way of making friends and meeting some new people.
It’s great fun!: Aside from wakeboarding, you can also use time at the beach to surf and do other activities in the sun, so you get some vitamin D while enjoying the outdoors on the water!